We have had a great one! Reese has been smiling, laughing, and engaging. She is responding, even laughing, when she hears our voices. She is back and better than ever. We are very encouraged.
We also saw the endocrinologist today to review her labs from the Stim test and to set a plan for treating the Growth Hormone Deficiency. Therapy includes daily injections. Honestly, I have been ignoring this issue. I have not been able to think about it because when I have, I fall to pieces. I had a mini, or maybe not so mini, meltdown the day the doc called to tell me her labs were not good. So today was the day to face the music.
The nurse weighed her and measured her length. The doc came in and said Reese had made a big jump, her biggest ever, in weight and height in one month! She is almost at the 50th percentile for weight and between the 25th and 50th for height. So, she does NOT want to start GH therapy but would rather do a Dexa Scan in October and then treat her for thin bones, as if she has osteoporosis. This treatment involves infusion therapy every 3 months and they would even send a nurse out to our house. It could not have been better news. We are so thankful for answered prayers!
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
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